Don’t miss the chance to experience this amazing performance.

Here’s what Pop Matters had to say about his last album;

“It’s entirely possible that, in spite of the outrageous originality and stellar musicality abundant on Moken Nunga’s 2016 debut album Chapters of My Life, you may not have heard of him. If you had, you would almost certainly know it. His distinctive warble on tracks like “Wild Wild Ways” is as recognizable as his storytelling panache on songs like “A Bone to Grind with Einstein”.

Chapters of My Life, though, hardly tells the whole story. With each track ground down to three or four minutes, how could it possibly give the artist mononymously known as Moken the space his richly bizarre imagination deserves?

Moken Live at BLoody Mary Concerts

Enter Missing Chapters. Made up of reworkings of previous tracks alongside new songs, it clocks in at a whopping hour and a quarter, where Chapters of My Life was a mere 36 minutes. Songs are anywhere from four and a half to eight minutes long. Moken’s increased creative control is evident not only in terms of quantity but also in quality. Gone is the sense that each song has been smoothed into stylistic submission in order to reach out to fans of café soundtracks. Here instead is a series of unpredictable jam sessions bolstered by Moken’s newfound sense of freedom.

Tickets: $25 Includes Bloodies and beer chasers!

Doors at 7pm, Music at 8PM (Please- No early Callers!)

Support Level

Venmo @Greg-Tooke

Now, more than ever, Moken is the definition of idiosyncratic. On the slow-paced opening track “Your Sun Is Rising”, his voice dramatically flutters between falsetto and baritone against a background of sweet, easy acoustic guitar, stripped-down percussion, and long, vaguely dissonant trumpet lines. In its dance with classical guitar, the flute that leads “Sometimes” recalls the Afro-Portuguese-Caribbean palm-wine music originally found in West Africa. Moken comes from Cameroon, though many of his songs draw inspiration from his time living in Detroit and his current home base of Atlanta. “Yen Nin” has a spacious guitar opening reminiscent of Malian bluesmen like Ali Farka Touré, but a body of synth-laced dance beats that makes it an endearingly quirky highlight.”

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